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Retainers & Hourly Rates

Package 1
On-Demand Advisory

Ideal For:
Businesses needing flexible, non-retainer support for complex HR  tasks and projects. Start-ups may benefit by starting out on this package and scaling up at a later time.
Rate: $75 monthly base fee for content access + $350 per hour for advisory services
Monthly Advisory Service Cap at Standard Rate: 10 hours
Premium Rate: $450 per hour for time exceeding 10 hours per month
Billing Structure: First hour charged in full, additional time billed in quarter-hour increments
Service Includes:
• Scheduled advisory services for HR needs
• Access to our exclusive members-only platform, featuring:
• Templates
• Guides
• Courses
Examples of Supported HR Projects:
• Employee handbook creation and updates
• HR compliance audits
• Talent acquisition strategy development
• Performance management system setup
• Employee relations and conflict resolution guidance
• Compensation and benefits analysis

Package 2
Retainer Advisory

Ideal For:
Companies seeking consistent, ongoing support with priority access to comprehensive HR  services, ensuring their business operations are aligned for long-term success.
Rate: $300 per hour (equivalency with retainer)
**Priority Access: Receive priority for advisory services
Premium Rate: $450 per hour for any time beyond the retainer agreement

Billing Structure: First hour over Retainer charged in full, additional time billed in quarter-hour increments
Service Includes:
• Comprehensive HR advisory services
• Access to our exclusive members-only platform, featuring:
• Templates
• Guides
• Courses
Examples of Supported HR Projects:
• Strategic workforce planning and talent mapping
• Succession planning and gap analysis
• Organizational design and restructuring
• Implementation of employee engagement programs
• Leadership development and coaching
• Employee retention strategies and culture improvement

Our Services

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